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 Hope means a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope is something that has brought this sisterhood together. We are hopeful that we can all survive to be the best women in the future. To me, hope means believing in yourself to conquer things that are out of your comfort zone. I have so much hope for every woman in this chapter to succeed. Sigma has shown me that having hope within yourself and the people around you can help you strive beyond measure.

Macy Fanning (PC '21)



It's naive to think that we live in a perfect world. It is also naive to think that we aren't powerful enough to change it. When someone joins Sigma, they are immediately surrounded by people who are aware of their own power. These women are confident, self-aware, and inspiring. They know they have skills that set them apart from others. Throughout their time and sorority life, they learn that these skills can change the world to be better; to love deeply, to listen first and react second, and to seek good for all. The women of Tri Sigma know their worth and they use this to help better themselves in everything around them. When you are a Sigma, you are powerful.

Delaney Lecluyse (PC '20)




To me, faith is believing and trusting that a certain thing will happen. Faith is loyal, sincere, and trustworthy. Faith is one of my favorite values we share because college is a game of faith. Faith in the long journey of finding your path in the woman you wish to be. The women in Tri Sigma have demonstrated not only faith in me but also faith within each other. College isn't easy but the community I found here has given me more support to reach my goals than I could have imagined. No challenge is too great for us when we have faith.

Olivia Hewitt (PC '21)




If you ever looked at the definition of love, you see "love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something". When I love something, I definitely put my all into it. Love also happens to be one of the values at Tri Sigma. All of us women love each other and are so committed to one another in our chapter. I can confidently say that all these women make me feel so loved. I know that if I ever need someone I will have many people who will be there for me.

Alfwenna Meyer (PC '22)




Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. To me, wisdom is the ability to know what I can do and the knowledge to know when I need help. Being in Sigma has given me so much wisdom. I have learned that when I do need help I can always count on my sisters to be there for me.

Tori Springsteel (PC '22)